
June 2023


As we all know, kindergarten is an incredible, transformative year for our young students. The first few days set the tone for the rest of the year and can greatly influence our students’ attitudes towards school. To help ensure we’re starting off on the right foot, I’ve put together a list of fun, engaging back-to-school activities for kindergarten students. Each one is designed to create a warm, inclusive, and exciting atmosphere that both you and your students will love.


1. All About Me Activities FOR KINDERGARTEN

All About Me Poster

Facilitate an opportunity for students to express themselves by crafting an “All About Me” poster. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Supply each learner with a large paper sheet and colorful markers.
  2. Encourage them to draw things that define them (their families, pets, favorite foods, or hobbies…).
  3. Once they’re done, allow them to share their masterpiece with the class. It’s a fun, artistic, and personal way to get acquainted!

This activity not only allows children to express themselves creatively, but it also fosters an environment of understanding and respect for individual differences.

Name Collage

Let’s reinforce that sense of belonging with names! Here’s how you can create a Name Collage:

  1. Hand out large name cut-outs to each student along with materials like glitter, stickers, and cut-outs from magazines.
  2. They can personalize their name display with elements that resonate with their personalities.
  3. Display these name collages in your classroom.

This personalizes the space and gives children a sense of ownership, belonging, and pride in their classroom.

2. back to school Ice Breaker Games

Color Coordinate Game

This engaging activity gets students moving, interacting, and learning about each other. Here’s how to conduct this game:

  1. Begin by assigning different colors to different types of personal facts. Red could represent “has a pet,” blue could mean “has a sibling,” and so on.
  2. Next, prepare small items or tokens in the corresponding colors. These could be colored chips, balls, or even colored pieces of paper.
  3. Give each child a colored object. Once they have their colored item, explain what each color represents. For example, “If you have a red token, it means you have a pet.This leads to interaction and communication among students.
  4. After you’ve explained the color meanings, ask your students to find others who have the same color. As they search for their “color buddies,” they can share about their pet, their favorite book, or their siblings. This way, they are not only learning about their classmates but also sharing a bit about themselves.

The game can continue as long as you like, with students returning their color item and receiving a new one, representing a different personal fact. The aim of this activity is to get students talking, moving, and above all, bonding over shared experiences or interests. It’s a wonderful ice breaker for the start of the school year!

Mystery Box

This sensory-based game fosters group interaction and language development. Here’s how to create a Mystery Box:

  1. Fill a box with recognizable objects. These could be common classroom items like a pencil, a ball, or a book.
  2. Each student takes a turn reaching into the box without looking and describes the object they feel. The rest of the class can guess what the item is based on the description.

This activity not only develops descriptive language skills and sensory recognition but also creates a sense of anticipation and excitement in the classroom.

3. back to school Story Time

Summer Stories

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set aside a dedicated time each day during the first week of school for students to share their favorite summer experiences.
  2. This sharing can be through drawing or speaking. They might draw a picture of their vacation or simply talk about their favorite summer memory.

This exercise not only develops expressive language skills but also provides an opportunity for students to learn about their classmates’ experiences, fostering empathy and understanding.


This activity can create a supportive and inclusive environment in your classroom, Here’s how to conduct a Read-Aloud:

  1. Select books that touch on themes of friendship, acceptance, the excitement of starting school or celebrating individuality. For examples:
    • “First Day Jitters” by Julie Danneberg: This engaging book reveals that it’s not just students who get nervous about the first day of school, teachers do too.
    • “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes: This story is about a little mouse named Chrysanthemum who loves her name until she starts school and other children make fun of it. It’s a heartwarming tale about acceptance and individuality.
  2. While reading these books aloud, pause occasionally to ask questions about the characters, plot, or how the children would feel in similar situations.

This activity can help students transition seamlessly into the academic year.

4. back to school Group Activities

Classroom Scavenger Hunt

A classroom scavenger hunt is a fun, interactive way to familiarize students with their new learning environment while promoting teamwork. It also helps students feel more comfortable and excited about their classroom. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare a list of items or places around the classroom that you’d like your students to find. This could include things like a particular book, a plant, the attendance chart, the pencil sharpener, etc.
  2. Break your students into small teams and hand each team a copy of the list.
  3. Encourage them to work together to find all the items or places on the list. Be sure to emphasize that it’s not just about being the fastest, but also about working well as a team.
  4. After the activity, gather everyone together and talk about what they found. You can also use this time to explain any classroom rules related to the items or areas they discovered.

This back-to-school activity not only aids students in getting to know their new surroundings but also fosters teamwork, communication, and a sense of shared adventure. It’s an engaging, dynamic way to kick off the school year!

Classroom Quilt

A classroom quilt is a visual representation of unity and team effort. It emphasizes how every individual contributes to the group’s overall picture. Here’s how to facilitate this activity:

  1. Provide each student with a square piece of construction paper.
  2. Ask them to draw something that they love or that represents them on this paper. This could be a pet, a favorite book, a sport, a hobby, etc.
  3. Once the students have completed their individual squares, gather all the squares and assemble them on a large board or wall to form a “quilt”. You can use adhesive or pins to secure them.
  4. Use this time to discuss how each square is unique, just like each student in the classroom, but when brought together, they form a beautiful, cohesive whole – much like the classroom community.

This engaging activity fosters a sense of belonging, celebrates individuality, and underscores the importance of unity and cooperation. The final product, a vibrant classroom quilt, serves as a daily reminder of the classroom’s shared experiences and collaborative efforts.


Remember to savor these first few moments with your new class. It’s a fresh start, a blank slate, and an opportunity to foster a love for learning that will stay with these young minds for years to come.

These activities aim to create a warm, inviting, and exciting atmosphere that both you and your students will look forward to every day. Remember, the key is to make these first few days enjoyable, memorable, and inclusive.

As you embark on this new academic year, let the laughter, curiosity, and joy fill your classrooms!

Happy Back to School Day!


Get ready to embark on a captivating journey through Colombia, full of fun and enriching activities. From art and music to gastronomy and daily life, let’s dive into this vibrant culture together!

1. A Canvas of Colombia: Colombian Art

Colombian art is renowned for its distinct styles and vibrant colors, offering plenty of inspiration for hands-on activities.

Crafts Inspired by Colombian Art

  1. Botero-Inspired Sculptures: Introduce your students to the unique style of Fernando Botero, who is famous for his exaggerated, voluminous figures. Using modeling clay, your students can create their own ‘Boterismo’ sculptures.
  2. Carnival Masks: The Barranquilla Carnival is a significant cultural event in Colombia. Have your students design and decorate their own Carnival masks using paper plates, paint, and embellishments. Here’s a guide to get you started.

Famous Artists: Fernando Botero and Alejandro Obregón

Present your students with examples of the works of these notable Colombian artists, and discuss their unique styles and contributions to Colombian culture.

2. ¿Hablas Español?: Colombian Spanish Activities

Integrating Colombian Spanish into your classroom activities can be both fun and educational.

Colombian Folklore Stories:

“The Yellow Butterfly” is a delightful Colombian folklore tale that can introduce your students to the country’s rich storytelling tradition.

Vocabulary Games:

  1. Colombian Animal Bingo: Reinforce vocabulary and teach your students about Colombian wildlife with a game of animal bingo. Use names of animals found in Colombia to create a unique and educational experience.

3. Ritmos Colombianos: Colombian Music and Dance

Introducing your students to Colombian music and dance can be a lively and engaging experience.

  1. Cumbia Dance Lessons: Try this kid-friendly cumbia dance tutorial. It’s a fun way to get your students moving and introduce them to a traditional Colombian dance form.
  2. Colombian Music Appreciation: Play traditional Colombian songs during craft or quiet time. Discuss the unique rhythms and instruments associated with Colombian music.

4. Sabores de Colombia: Colombian Gastronomy

Introduce your students to the delightful flavors of Colombian cuisine.

  1. Arepas Show and Tell: Arepas are a staple food in Colombia. Show your students how they’re made and talk about their significance in Colombian daily life. Here’s a simple recipe to help explain.
  2. Colombian Fruit Taste Test: Organize a tasting of fruits native to Colombia, like guava or passionfruit. Discuss the flavors and textures, comparing them to fruits that your students are more familiar with.

5. A Trip to Colombia: Geography Activities

  1. Coloring and Labeling Colombian Map: Using these printable maps of Colombia, students can color and label key Colombian regions.
  2. Landmark Matching Game: Create cards featuring famous Colombian landmarks, such as the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá and Tayrona National Park. Students can match the landmarks to their descriptions.

6. Vida Diaria: Daily Life in Colombia

  1. “A Day in the Life: Colombia”: This short documentary gives students a glimpse into the daily life of a Colombian child.
  2. Family Comparison Chart: After watching the documentary, students can create a chart comparing their daily routine to that of the child in the video.

Enjoy these Colombia-themed activities as part of your Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. ¡Feliz enseñanza!

Hispanic Heritage Month is the perfect time to introduce your kindergarten students to the vibrant culture of Spain. Join us on a fascinating journey through Spanish art, language, music, gastronomy, geography, and daily life. Let’s go!

1. Palette of Spain: Spanish Art

Spanish art provides an excellent medium to engage your kindergarten students in hands-on activities.

Crafts Inspired by Spanish Art

  1. Picasso-inspired Cubist Portraits: Picasso’s cubist style can be a fun introduction to art. Have your students create their own cubist portraits using colorful construction paper. Check out this simple guide to get started.
  2. Gaudí-inspired Mosaics: Antoni Gaudí’s mosaics are a vibrant part of Spanish architecture. Students can make their own mosaics using colorful paper or tiles.

Famous Artists: Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali

Introduce your students to the works of famous Spanish artists like Picasso and Dali. Discuss their unique styles and show examples of their art.

2. Hablas Español: Spanish Language Activities

Spanish language activities provide a great avenue for kindergarteners to engage with Spanish culture.

Spanish Books:

The Story of Ferdinand” by Munro Leaf is a classic Spanish tale that can provide a fun and engaging introduction to Spanish culture for kindergarteners.

Vocabulary Games:

  1. Spanish Color Bingo: To reinforce color vocabulary in Spanish, play a game of Bingo with your students. Use Spanish color words for a fun and educational twist.

3. Ritmo de España: Spanish Music and Dance

  1. Flamenco Dance Lessons: Introduce your kindergarteners to the art of flamenco dance with this kid-friendly flamenco dance tutorial.
  2. Spanish Music Appreciation: Play traditional Spanish songs during craft time to create an immersive experience. Discuss the instruments you hear, such as the Spanish guitar.

4. Sabores de España: Spanish Gastronomy

  1. Spanish Tortilla Cooking Demonstration: Demonstrate how to make a simple Spanish tortilla using potatoes and eggs. Although you may not be able to cook in class, you can show the steps and describe the process.
  2. Spanish Fruit Taste Testing: Arrange a tasting of Spanish fruits like persimmons and pomegranates. Compare and contrast the flavors and textures with fruits the students are more familiar with.

5. Journey through Spain: Geography Activities

  1. Coloring and Labeling Spanish Map: Using these printable maps of Spain, students can color and label key Spanish regions.
  2. Famous Landmark Puzzle: Create puzzles featuring famous Spanish landmarks like the Alhambra or the Sagrada Familia. As they complete the puzzle, students learn about these significant sites.

6. Life in Spain: Daily Living and Family Life

  1. “A Day in the Life: Spain”: This short documentary provides an intimate look into the day-to-day life of a Spanish child, perfect for showing to your students.
  2. Family Comparison Chart: After watching the documentary, students can create a comparison chart between their own family life and the Spanish family life presented in the film.

We hope these Spanish-themed activities make Hispanic Heritage Month a fun and educational experience for your kindergarteners. ¡Feliz enseñanza!

As Hispanic Heritage Month approaches, we’ve lined up an engaging exploration of Peruvian culture tailored to kindergarteners. From famous artists to mouth-watering gastronomy, we’re ready to embark on an unforgettable Peruvian journey.

1. Artistic Vistas: Exploring Peruvian Art

Peruvian arts, both contemporary and ancient, offer a diverse range of craft ideas for young learners.

Crafts Inspired by Peruvian Art

  1. Peruvian Weaving: Let your students dive into the ancient tradition of Peruvian weaving. They can create their own simple weaves using colorful yarn. Check out this guide for step-by-step instructions.
  2. Nazca Lines Art: Introduce your students to the mysterious Nazca lines. Using large sheets of paper, they can draw and color their own Nazca-inspired line art.

Famous Artists: Mario Urteaga Alvarado and Tilsa Tsuchiya

  1. Exploring Mario Urteaga Alvarado’s Art: Study Urteaga’s classic Andean artworks and encourage your students to create their own art inspired by his work.
  2. Discovering Tilsa Tsuchiya’s Surrealist Art: Tsuchiya’s work is a treasure trove of Peruvian legends and myths. Use her artworks as a springboard to introduce Peruvian folklore and create related art projects.

2. Hablas Español: Spanish Language Activities

Language is an essential part of culture. Improve your students’ Spanish skills with books and vocabulary games centered around Peru.

Spanish Books:

Up and Down the Andes” by Laurie Krebs is a fantastic book that introduces children to Peruvian culture and the diverse landscapes of the Andes.

Vocabulary Games:

  1. Peruvian Animal Bingo: Make vocabulary learning fun with a bingo game featuring animals native to Peru. This will help your students learn about the rich biodiversity of Peru while enhancing their Spanish vocabulary.

3. Ritmo de Perú: Peruvian Music and Dance

  1. Marinera Dance: Teach your students the steps of the traditional Peruvian Marinera dance with this video tutorial. It’s a fantastic way to blend physical education and cultural learning!
  2. Peruvian Music Appreciation: Play traditional Peruvian songs in the background during craft time to immerse your students in Peruvian culture. Discuss the instruments used, such as the cajón, quena, and charango.

4. Sabores de Perú: Peruvian Gastronomy

  1. Make Peruvian Quinoa Salad: Quinoa, a staple in Peru, is a versatile grain used in various dishes. Introduce your students to Peruvian cuisine with this kid-friendly quinoa salad recipe.
  2. Peruvian Fruit Taste Testing: Like with Mexican fruits, a taste-testing session with Peruvian fruits like lucuma, cherimoya, and passionfruit will expose your students to new flavors and textures.

5. Journey through Peru: Geography Activities

  1. Coloring and Labeling Peruvian Map: With these printable maps of Peru, students can explore Peru’s diverse geography and regions.
  2. Famous Landmark Puzzle: Create puzzles featuring famous Peruvian landmarks like Machu Picchu or Lake Titicaca. As students solve the puzzle, they’ll learn about these significant sites.

6. Life in Peru: Daily Living and Family Life

  1. “A Day in the Life: Peru”: This short documentary provides an intimate look into the day-to-day life of a Peruvian child, perfect for showing to your students.
  2. Family Comparison Chart: After watching the documentary, students can create a comparison chart between their family life and the Peruvian family life shown in the film.

With these activities, your students will have a memorable, enriching experience of Peruvian culture during Hispanic Heritage Month.

It’s that wonderful time of year again – Hispanic Heritage Month! In this guide, we’ll share some fun and educational Mexican activities specifically designed for your little learners. Get ready for a fiesta of knowledge!

1. Artistic Expressions: Diving into Mexican Art

Art, the universal language, knows no boundaries. The colorful tapestry of Mexican traditional arts and acclaimed artists offer plenty of kindergartener-friendly craft ideas.

Crafts Inspired by Mexican Folk Art

  1. Papel Picado: Papel Picado is a festive Mexican art form involving intricate patterns cut into tissue paper. Allow your students to create their own designs with this detailed Papel Picado guide.
  2. Talavera Pot Painting: Transform small terra cotta pots into vibrant works of art, taking inspiration from the traditional Mexican Talavera pottery. This hands-on activity encourages creativity and cultural appreciation.

Famous Artists: Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo

  1. Frida Kahlo’s Self-portraits: Encourage your students to channel their inner Frida Kahlo with self-portraits. Use this guide to explore Kahlo’s famous works and create vibrant classroom art.
  2. Diego Rivera’s Murals: Introduce your students to social realism through Diego Rivera’s iconic murals. Students can then create a classroom mural inspired by their daily lives, promoting creativity and cultural literacy.

2. Si Hablas Español: Spanish Language Activities

Language forms the backbone of every culture. Enhance your students’ linguistic skills with Spanish books and vocabulary games related to Mexico.

Spanish Books:

Off We Go to Mexico” by Laurie Krebs is a colorful introduction to Mexico’s landscapes and cultural richness. A perfect addition to your read-aloud library!

Vocabulary Games:

  1. Mexican Lotería: Spice up vocabulary lessons with Mexican Lotería, a game similar to bingo but featuring images from Mexican culture. This interactive learning method brings Spanish vocabulary to life!

3. Ritmo de México: Mexican Music and Dance

  1. The Mexican Hat Dance: This traditional dance, also known as ‘Jarabe Tapatio’, is a must for any Mexican cultural exploration. Teach your students the steps using this video tutorial. It’s a great way to combine physical education and cultural studies!
  2. Mariachi Music Exploration: Mariachi music is a cornerstone of Mexican culture. Play a few popular Mariachi songs and discuss the unique instruments used, such as the guitar, violin, trumpet, and vihuela. Here’s a beginner-friendly Mariachi playlist for your class.

4. Sabores de México: Mexican Gastronomy

  1. Mexican cuisine is an explosion of flavors. Here’s a simple recipe for a traditional Mexican dip, Guacamole, for your little chefs to enjoy!
  2. Taste Testing Mexican Fruits: Arrange a taste-testing session with Mexican fruits like guava, papaya, and mango. Discuss their flavors, textures, and colors, comparing them to fruits the students are more familiar with.

5. Journey through Mexico: Geography Activities

  1. Coloring and Labeling Mexican Map: Let your students explore Mexico’s geography hands-on with printable maps for coloring and labeling. These maps are an engaging tool for geographical education.
  2. Landmark Match-Up Game: Create a matching game using pictures of famous Mexican landmarks (like Chichen Itza or the Pyramids of Teotihuacan) and their names. This game introduces students to significant Mexican landmarks while reinforcing their memory skills.

6. Life in Mexico: Daily Living and Family Life

  1. “A Day in the Life: Mexico”: This short documentary offers insights into a day in the life of a Mexican child. It’s a valuable resource for teaching about the similarities and differences between American and Mexican lifestyles.
  2. Family Comparison Chart: After watching the “Day in the Life” documentary, have students create a comparison chart between their family life and the family life depicted in the documentary. This promotes critical thinking and cultural understanding.

7. Integrating Mexican Culture into the Curriculum

  1. Bingo Vocabulary Game: Reinforce English vocabulary with a fun twist by introducing Mexican culture-themed Bingo!
  2. Math Activity – Hundred Chart Mystery Picture: Here’s a brilliant way to combine math with cultural learning. Create a mystery picture activity using hundred charts and Mexican cultural symbols. As students solve math problems, a picture reveals itself, making math more fun and engaging!

We hope these engaging activities provide your students with a vibrant and enriching experience of Mexican culture during Hispanic Heritage Month.

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!

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